Now, the time has come to take a break. We all need it. It has been a difficult time at WCC for some years. The cracks have been seen, the responsible for them have been identified, the problems have been highlighted. Now, it is high time we protected and looked after one another. Maybe it is also the time to feel positive and hopeful. Although this blog has only voiced what the majority thought and felt, some may have seen it differently. It is a fact, however, that the blog registered around 34 thousand page views since its conception. Staff, parents and students read it. We apologise for not sharing all the 'articles' sent to us but we think we made the right decision. It is our belief that expressing views and revealing outrageous practices of the leadership group are only the inevitable result of the frustration among us, staff. The blog is just a medium, a message. Do not shoot the messengers. Beyond the words - and there have been many - we think that the teachers shoul...
With the incoming members of staff who are brought in to replace the outgoing, one thing is clear: the priority is to mend what has been damaged. After the damages caused by the outgoing, the highest item on the agenda must be to restore trust between the vast majority of staff and management. The so-called Leadership Group have not shown any leadership since the formation of that level of responsibility under the current headship. Hiding in offices and not being seen in the school where they work has been the topic of mockery for all staff. The school has no real vision when it comes to teaching and learning. It's only well designed slogans on school walls. The LG has been operating remotely and they might as well have been working from a chalet in Switzerland, no one would have been any wiser. The new Principal must be visible, his Head of Secondary and Head of Primary must be around among the teachers and wider staff. Not just walking around all day, but observing and talking ...