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Glam and Glits

What can I say about my time at this institution?

I remember when I found out I had gotten in, after seeing the glam and the glits that is presented through social media to us of the school, I was so excited. It was much to my dismay that from the moment I started attending the school, the cracks started to reveal themselves, I joined the same year as Dr Zimmer, so only have experience of him as principal, but from what I hear the previous principal knew every student and made the school a place you wanted to go to. 

From my first week at the school, I was being bullied, much to say I was in KS3 so this is not a surprise, however, the lack of support was noticeable. Throughout my years at this school I have raised many issues I and those around me have experienced, they where swept under the rug, as a previous post mentioned there is protectionism over certain students and members of staff. From my experiences with the HOK (Heads of Keystages) besides the head of KS5 Mrs Cunning they have not been welcoming and lead by fear, the lack of support is where many students found themselves struggling to keep their mental well-being in a space well enough for school and to keep in line with the high performing academics we achieve, usually prioritising our grades over our wellbeing as we seemingly are taught to do.

The only positive experience I have taken away from this institution was the sixth form, it was how the old school used to feel like, a close community, this was mainly due to the Head of Key stage, who to my understanding is no longer with the school, with no explanation. The sixth form flourished under her supervision, with the students who usually do not want to be at school, excited to go in, additionally, the growth the sixth form saw whilst she was Head was astonishing given the fact she was there for a short time. the support from the 6th form team was unwavering and it has left many confused and upset that there has been a lack of empathy and explanation as to her departure.

