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Last-Minute Jubilee

 We are appalled to see that an over-funded and oversized Marketing Department organise such a feeble attempt to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. The proverbial piss-up in a brewery comes to mind.

One string of bunting and a last minute communication to staff, students and parents do not constitute a celebration of such a British event from a British school sponsored by the British Embassy.

The Platinum Jubilee's date did not come to anyone as a surprise and the invitation of Her Majesty's Ambassador could not be any less conspicuous. 

Telling some staff to bake some cakes is yet another proof that management are broke, devoid of any foresight, dignity or commonsense. Well done to those members of staff who, despite everything, managed to produce cakes to mark the occasion.

It poses serious questions about the Marketing Department's existence and validity in these times. They can't claim it was not up to them. Their social media posts are an eye-candy feed that leaves no one in doubt about who they are marketing and for whom the department exists.

The teachers are normally left to their own device to organise everything: from Graduation Ceremonies to Qatar National Days, from school competitions and Art Exhibitions to Eco initiatives. Where is the Eco School responsible on the social media feeds? Is she used and then pushed behind to the background? 

Wasn't BKE, despite all his achievements in creating and promoting the school eco-friendly mantra, discarded mercilessly without regard to his efforts and initiatives? We shall not forget.

The staff are leading all these events out of the goodness of their heart, in their own time, out of love for their students.

