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The Goodbye Kiss

Now, the time has come to take a break. We all need it.

It has been a difficult time at WCC for some years. The cracks have been seen, the responsible for them have been identified, the problems have been highlighted. Now, it is high time we protected and looked after one another. Maybe it is also the time to feel positive and hopeful.

Although this blog has only voiced what the majority thought and felt, some may have seen it differently. It is a fact, however, that the blog registered around 34 thousand page views since its conception. Staff, parents and students read it. We apologise for not sharing all the 'articles' sent to us but we think we made the right decision. 

It is our belief that expressing views and revealing outrageous practices of the leadership group are only the inevitable result of the frustration among us, staff. The blog is just a medium, a message. Do not shoot the messengers.

Beyond the words - and there have been many - we think that the teachers should now be braver and voice their concerns or objections in person and through the various channels available to them. With the new management, the natural reaction is to be cautious but it is far better to welcome change and not judge. We judge the others on their actions. Let us even forgive any first mishaps. They will be new and unacquainted with the place. They will have a lot to mend and improve.

The top management duo had no choice but to pack their bags, maybe having learnt some valuable lessons. We are teachers after all.

The rest of the old management members will have to face reality and make some bold choices now. The way to redemption will be an uncertain one. It is time for the remora to find a new host.

With the departure of many respected colleagues, we wish them every success in the future, to them and to their families.

The blog will now cease to publish new material.
