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The Hand Of God

It has been a very trying time at WCC. Without going over all what we described in the previous posts, staff are at the end of their tether. Morale is low, mental health is suffering, focus is lost and spirits are yearning for a break. 

The new staff are already talking about how much more they can take and how much longer they can endure. The old staff, still breathing by some miracle of nature, have acquired a genetic defect that makes them chronically irritable and thus electrically charged like an Amazonian eel. Poke one of them and you will regret it.

The students have used up the last iota of enthusiasm they had and now are walking into classroom with a zombie-like demeanor. No lessons, Merit Points, practical experiments would move them. The best you could get out of them is a grunt or a groan. The physical and mental boundaries have been pushed to the limit. Any more lessons and they would break down in tears.

Management continue to be invisible. Even more so now. A natural state that has become synonymous with... you guessed it: management.

And we have the goodbye speeches to go through. Some will be more eagerly anticipated than others. 

Some staff members will be changing roles. Some will be moving up and some will be moving down. Some by choice and some by the 'Hand of God', which will be a topic for debate for years to come. Some will just disappear into thin air.

It has been a long year but we have to look at the positive thing here. As it comes to a close, we have to concede that the best thing about this academic year is that it ends soon.

But don't be fooled. The struggle is not over yet.
