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A Sample of International Schools Review (Part 3)

Extract 1

Management style is extremely poor. She is leaving the school in a much worse position than when she arrived. She had absolutely no vision for the school and hasn't tried to get to know staff members properly. She doesn't motivate me and I find her to be quite curt and offhandish, and very insincere when she 'praises' staff.

A very difficult person to work with, by all accounts.

Knows the ins and outs of running a school, but does this with such distance from the staff that she is virtually invisible.

Like many other colleagues that I have spoken with, I was very happy when it was announced that she had "resigned". The school will be much better off without her, and people can get on with their jobs without a sense of fear hanging over them. She won't be missed at [School name edited out]!


Extract 2

I find her to be... Micromanager. Authoritarian. Distant. Blunt. Pedantic. Hypercritical. Bureaucratic. Data-driven. Callous. Totally lacking in empathy. Insincere. Patronising. Dogmatic. Unapproachable. Highly untrustworthy… I could go on…

Often claims her decisions are made ‘for the benefit of the kids’ or ‘in the interest of school improvement’ but I believe the decisions she makes reflect her own self-focused agenda, and how she wants to run the school, irrespective of the opinions of other (often more experienced/knowledgable) professionals further down the ladder. In fact, she rarely devolves decision making powers to those lower in the management chain. She does not appear to have trust in those managers, and therefore those in middle/extended leadership roles are not empowered to ‘lead from the middle’ as the school falsely proclaims is happening. These are a just a few examples of Ruth’s management style that, for me, make her an extremely ineffective and highly dislikeable senior leader.

If teachers or middle leaders disagree with Ruth, or if they challenge her, those individuals face difficult times ahead, as she has been known to target members of staff who have the temerity to oppose her. This approach towards teaching staff has been common during her time at
[School name edited out] and it has been very upsetting to watch this happen to popular, hardworking fellow professionals who have contributed great things to the school. There is an entrenched culture of fear at [School name edited out] and I feel Ruth’s behaviour has greatly exacerbated this and further widened the gap between teaching staff and school leaders. Trust in her is at a very low ebb (only 51% of teaching staff said they could trust her in the staff survey) and the feeling of job stability/ security (that was once widely felt throughout [School name edited out]), has now evaporated due to Ruth. SHe lost a total of 8 Head of Department last academic year, and a total of about 25 teachers in secondary. Its hardly a ringing endorsement of Ruth Sanderson's headship

On her very first day at
[School name edited out] Ruth introduced staff to her personal mantra, a Maori phrase which translated as ‘What is the most important thing in the world? The people, the people, the people.” Nothing could have been further from the truth. This is a prime example of how Ruth likes to parrot soundbites and platitudes such as ‘assume positive intent’, but does not actually have the people skills to demonstrate these ideas through her own actions. Simply put Ruth Sanderson is NOT a people person!!! I could not believe my ears when I heard her repeat this claim on several occasions and to other members of staff. Her inability to form relationships with staff members has been a hallmark of her headship. From my perspective, Ruth is socially challenged and her presence tends to intensify a meeting, rather than put people at ease. In the three plus years that she has been Headteacher, she has failed to form a meaningful relationship with me or those within my department, and I simply can’t imagine her attempting to do so in the future. I doubt that she even knows the name of my partner, which part of the UK that I come from, or any one of my personal interests. But don’t worry… I’m sure she’ll soon send out a Google Form to capture that data!

Made a number of ethically questionable decisions last academic year during the CAG process.

Ruth did not interview me. I was interviewed by the last Head of Secondary. He had the ability to value good staff, and recognise their successes - qualities that Ruth Sanderson simply does appear to me to have. He is much missed amongst many [School name edited out] staff.

Ruth Sanderson is an outsider in the [School name edited out] community - a community that she does not appreciate or understand. She made not any meaningful attempts to integrate with the staff body or to show that she values people within it or give praise to those who have helped make the school such a huge success. Instead she chooses to remain distant and aloof, making decisions that dismantle the community, erodes goodwill and damages the reputation of our school. Her treatment of some staff has been so dreadful, that no amount of 'growing together' postcards will ever be able to bring her in from the fringes. Sadly, she is has become a source of great ridicule, rather than someone who musters professional respect and admiration.

The worst headteacher I have ever had the misfortune to work for and, in my humble opinion, an absolute disgrace to education.


Extract 3 (Comment on School)


[School name edited out] is, on paper, a very good school. It has well behaved, academic children. Teaching in the school is very strong and students always achieve outstanding exam results. Children who attend [School name edited out] thrive and that is largely due to the dedicated, hardworking teachers.

However, this is despite its dreadful management team who have made
[School name edited out] quite an unhappy and isolating place to work. Communication is dismal and decisions are often made with little care or thought towards staff wellbeing. In fact, wellbeing strategies are very poorly conceived. Note to management - a free phoneline and a wellbeing committee does not remove the root causes! Much more is needed, as attempts to improve have been very half-hearted.

Some staff members have also been treated very poorly by the current leadership team and this has added to the general air of unhappiness, and low sense of wellbeing felt around
[School name edited out]. I do not enjoy working under the current headteacher. She is a major problem, and I am sure that many more will leave because of the dreadful way she runs the school. Staff turnover has been very high at [School name edited out] over the past few years, and it’s not been because of covid! You only need to ask outgoing staff and they will soon tell you about the negative impact that RSA has had on secondary.

I am really torn about recommending
[School name edited out] to potential new staff. On one hand you will meet some amazing colleagues, and teach some outstanding students; you will enjoy a good life here in Doha. On the other hand, the Leadership team have the power to make it a miserable place to work, and routinely abuse that power and mismanage the school.

Best advice – proceed with extreme caution!