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Sign O' The Times


We have not published any new blogs for a while. We have been observing. 

For those students who sent emails asking about the identity of the authors of this blog, we applaud your admirable innocence.

For the parents and university students who have sent us emails asking for more blog entries, you are welcome to send us your views. We will publish them.

A contribution by an anonymous email:

An intriguing development (if you can call it so) has occurred. With the outrage, protestation and complaints experienced over the past few months, now we see a fatigued staff body that seems to have decided to play the dead.

Some have been quietly hopeful whilst others have just retreated in despair. You would think that the staff have just given up the fight but if you think about it again this is a far more serious outcome.

When staff stop voicing their discontent, it is because of one of two reasons: they have succeeded in changing things or they have stopped caring. It is certainly not the former.

Staff have come to the conclusion that WCC is not what it was any longer. It is entirely a new school. Buried under a thousand meaningless tasks that teachers have to perform every day, the focus has shifted to surviving until the end of the lessons. The pride of being part of WCC, the energy that was there among staff, the good will that fueled so many initiatives have all gone. The school has become like a zombie-filled graveyard. When all the positive vibe has been sucked out of most teachers, all you have left as a reason to stay is the money. And still, some teachers have decided to leave. 

There have been some attempts to boost the morale of staff. The latest offer to pay the cost of weekly Covid tests for those who have not fully vaccinated so far is a step towards a meaningful desire to support and help. Or is it? With so many teachers that have not yet vaccinated, they would have to miss school and the whole place would come to a halt. 

Back to the teachers. The silence that we have been witnessing these days is a sign of a serious malaise. It is very clear that the intention of some people up in the management watch tower (AKA the Bunker) is to silence every voice with so much work that the staff will not have even the time to see one another. Teachers have been asked not to be in the same room (or pantry). They have been asked to have their lunch in their classrooms, alone. No more than one person at any one time in the pantry. As the students are in the classrooms during breaks, even having a bite in peace has become an impossible task. It is for Covid reasons that staff should not congregate but it is OK to be in the same room with a group of students. Students do have their lunches in their form classrooms and so they have to take their masks off while respecting social distancing. However, it seems that teachers are incapable of enjoying the same thing. It is often noted throughout history that in times of crises and adversity that dictators sneak in their most authoritarian decrees against their opposition.

The malaise is growing quietly. There is no hope anymore that management will ever change anything. With their desire to hasten the departure of the 'Old Guards' (HoDs, experienced teachers) in subtle and even less subtle ways, the feeling now is to last as long as one needs and let the ship go its own way (downwards - inevitably). 

As per the students and their education, well, we will get to that when we have time. It is no criticism towards the teachers. They are doing their best but it is a fact that priorities have changed order. Any misstep could be used against you to be fired 'for gross misconduct'. So, stuff that lesson plan and extra time to help 'Jimmy'. He will have to wait. Sign o' the times.

Did you expect that teachers would just be giving up their own time, personal struggles, wade through their own despair and ignore the way they have been treated just to keep the school afloat? 

And the staff welfare and well-being? Rest assured that staff have filled out a few Google forms, ticked a few options and clicked a few links. You should all feel better now. 

We have edited a couple of things in this contribution. We hope this is OK. The photos, however, are our choice.