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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


There's an air of fear and suspicion filling the corridors of the school. It's a heavy atmosphere. The Tiny Man seconded by the Ruthless Mass are following to the letter the textbook of How To Subdue Your Employees The Unethical Way. What a complicity! They should now see very clearly that they have earned the very rare status of utter contempt from every member of staff including from those who work very closely with them. Every time they are with the staff, they should be able to feel the distinct lack of respect staring back at them from every Zooming pair of eyes.

The theory is that they are trying to rid the school of the vocal and experienced teachers who know what is happening and replace them with the new, unsuspecting and compliant recruits. They may ask for a proof of this and a reason but 'we reserve the right not to tell them why'.

If you are treated as suspect, demand that it be stopped. Working in fear of losing one's job is of no benefit to the teachers or their students. Parents will not accept that their children go to a place where the teachers are being intimidated daily. What kind of message would that convey to them?

Using unethical strategies to achieve submission and compliance is hardly a British value from a place that is sponsored by the British organisation of Being-Friendly-With-Other-Foreign-Countries.

The Good people working hard for their school and students are paying the price. The Bad ones are keeping silent and letting the Ugly ones make unethical decisions about their colleagues. It is time to let them know in a very professional and open way that this should stop. Any reprisal from the Ugly should be shared with those who may be able to put a stop to the cruel practices.

