We believe we know our school well and that we can accurately predict the next moves. Over the past few years, the school has resorted to settlements to avoid further damage to its reputation. We are not surprised when the contracts from now on will include a gagging clause. Schools consider themselves absolutely experts at safeguarding pupils against bullying, but we don’t really say the same for the staff. We are also not surprised, though nonetheless dismayed, to see the disingenuous nonsense trotted out by some schools' management in order to justify their use of gagging clauses, in which they conflate legality with morality. Their wish to silence former staff has absolutely nothing to do with access to private student data and everything to do with protecting the school’s reputation against potentially damaging disclosures from a large number of disgruntled former employees. Employees often just wanted to “move on” from a situation, rather than face an employment ...
(The Desperate Case of a) Secret Teacher Blog