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The Dangling Carrot


Thought of the day.

 Mr Zimmer of Wessex County College has made a compliment, a plea, a promise and a threat. All in one broadcast.

To be told to align yourself with the school's 'ethos' or leave is not a choice. It is a take-it-or-leave-it type of statement. Some may perceive it as a threat. 

What some staff are feeling is the inability of those in authority to be empathetic and humble. The way some staff members have been treated is perceived to be a form of dictatorial authority. Perception is important regardless of who you think you are. Maybe it is time for all members who are in a position of 'command' to pause and consider how they are perceived by the rest of the staff.

Schools change. Principals change. Teachers are not against change. They are against change of ethics. Against loss of security. Against the absence of reciprocity in care and responsibility.

The remuneration package is a good reason to join a school. That is a fact.  There are other facts, too. Teachers do come to new schools with their integrity, dignity and some with a family to provide for. Hurting any one of these would be breaking the first principles of mutual care, trust and loyalty.

The pandemic does not help. It is in times like these that people are most vulnerable but also most likely to go back to the basics of things. In uncertain times, seek certainty and stability. Seek happiness. Drop the BS. 

It is also a fact that Mr Zimmer is not the only one who is the cause of the discontent. The reason for the change in mood is likely not that far from where he sits.

There are some unanswered questions and unsolved issues discussed previously that need to be addressed. Addressing these in an open way without fear of retaliation is going to be a challenge on both sides of the aisle.

This blog is one way to voice our fears and concerns. If you can't take a bit of criticism, then what's the point of trying? Your blogs would be futile and unproductive.

Ah and also, an update on the progress of the search conducted by the members of the order would be highly appreciated. It is unlikely, however, that they have any jurisdiction where I comfortably sit sipping my tea and looking at the lawn that needs mowing. 

“If you can feel that staying human is worth while, even when it can't have any result whatever, you've beaten them.”
George Orwell, 1984



Note: This blog has had over 4000 views this month alone.
