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The Philadelphia Experiment

Scientists have spent decades trying to establish a link between the paranormal and the basic natural phenomena. The basic fact that inexplicable things take place defying the human understanding seems to be a recurring event in an environment where little is logical or within the boundaries of measurable comprehension. And yet, some parties seem to take pleasure in toying with the unexpected.

Unbeknown to the vast majority of the school, an experiment has been running since the start of the academic year. Staff have taken part in the various stages of this unique test of human intelligence and commonsense. It is still to ascertain whether this is the creation of an ingenious mind or the product of an extremely devious and calculating spirit. The jury is still out.

If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in the corridors of the Bunker, you will notice are lost. Things suddenly disappear and you find yourself in a maze so intricate (and yet so simple!) that it is impossible to find the door you are looking for. In fact, there seems to be hundreds of doors. All grey and similar in size and scope. All around you. You step back and look around, move towards the stairs and check your cardinal points. Was it south or south east? Left or right? This side or the other? 

What a brilliant design! By design or a coincidence? The fact that such an experiment is carried out at Wessex County College is yet another proof of the greatness of the human intellect. The simplicity of the trick is mind-blowing. 

And then it dawns on you. Not a single sign on any door around you. A door could be an office door or a fire escape or an electric generator room or toilet or a lift or a server room or.. nothing. You know the leadership group offices are upstairs but no sign of them anywhere. Literally. 

Elsewhere signs are everywhere, lots of them. Even the same exact signs in two different buildings! But here, you are on your own. You know there's life behind these walls but you will not be granted access easily. Whether the Principal's office, or the Vice Principal's or the Business Manager's or the Safeguarding Lead's office.. They are all well hidden behind these thick anonymous unyielding doors. To expect to be directed easily to their whereabouts is the test that parents, students, staff, teachers have to pass. None Shall Pass!

leadership group, you deserve the quiet. Why just have us disturb the very intense creative work you are doing? If I were you I'd build a moat around so the plebs stay away from that very throbbing heart of the school.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) staff are too busy working to have any time to be wandering in that building. We are destined to be defeated by the test of visibility. The *Philadelphia Experiment continues..


UPDATE: Some of the doors have been recently adorned with new signs. They are a bit small but it's a good start?

*The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment supposed to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1943. The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or "cloaked") to enemy devices. Among its sailors, a deckhand called Stephen Simmer whose whereabouts remain unknown to this day but some claim he only becomes visible on Youtube late Thursday..
