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Growing Together

 With the growing popularity of our blog promoted by your dear friend (come on - you know who!), we have to consider a few things.

 At Wessex County College, staff are working hard and they have achieved a tremendous amount of work amidst the growing tension and even despair. We would hate to see them all become a spectacle to those who have no stake in the long-standing institution where they work. 

Let's be clear: no genuine or tangible effort has been made from the school to remedy the situation. The announced measures are - according to most staff - incongruous. We are happy to continue this blog to get the staff voice to the rest of the wider community and mirror the staff's growing anxiety and current mood. Re-publishing the previous blog entries is just a step towards proving that. We even have a twitter account ready to launch.

However, we are considering taking a pause and granting the school a couple of weeks to see whether any remedial steps are going to be made. We hope these steps will be genuine, constructive, empathetic and direct.

It's a matter of choice. When they do not align their focus with the teachers' current sentiment, then you know they can just keep ignoring the obvious.

An olive branch? No, it's a pause. Issues must be addressed to declare a permanent end to this growing blog.

We hope you all agree.

Growing Together..
