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Business As Usual



It is 'business as usual' at WCC.

We decided to be a bit more straightforward and more pro-active in our approach. More on this in the lines below.

What is happening in the school these days is just an example of the twisted and crooked mind that is intent on a cruel act of vengeance on one's own fellow colleagues. 

The blog is meant to be a channel of expressing our concerns and views of the educational establishment that is our place of work. It is not just a place of work for some. It is much more. It is a wide network of professional people who have common professional interests and personal goals. When the twisted mind feels threatened and doesn't like how people view him, he uses every dirty trick in the book to protect the false image he is portraying to the outside world.

Some may think that the blog is a personal vendetta. It is not. It is our right to write and publish what we think and we try to put forward as truthful an image of the place as possible, albeit in less than flattering terms and with a bit of tongue in cheek. Some may think the blog is hurting  people who are afraid of the manager's retaliation. We urge you to think again. Will you be subject to intimidation and unfair practices every time a management member thinks a blog is about them? Will you suspect every colleague of being the author of the blog but stay blind to the fact that the issue is and has been the same person all along? Will they change you and turn you against one another and leave the real culprit watch you with gleeful eyes? 

 The leadership group are so full of hubris, and have such poor ability for self-reflection or to receive critique. The disproportionate and overaggressive response to the blog and the resulting attack on staff, is typical of the thinly-skinned behaviour that we have seen from them over and over again.  Rather than use the blog as an opportunity to understand failings of leadership and low staff morale, they have, typically, gone on the attack. The blog is not damaging to the school’s reputation, it is damaging to one individual’s ego.

Well, that very ego is going to go through some tough times as he obstinately continues his aggressive stance. 

We took a step back to see how things progressed and we seriously contemplated focusing our efforts on other matters that we are passionate about. However, despite the weak attempt  from management to look like they are listening, they fail again to implement genuine change and instead they carry on their senseless retaliation. They really can't help themselves. What's bred in the bones comes out in the flesh. 

The blog will continue to voice the staff's views and concerns. Teachers may not have the courage to come forward to confront the Supreme Leader for fear of losing their livelihood but they will continue to hold management members wholly responsible. For a few dollars more in their retirement pot, they are enabling their master whilst their colleagues lose their jobs due to unfounded suspicions. Those management members - who sit comfortably round the table where cruel decisions are made about their colleagues - probably pat themselves on the back and think that is a totally justifiable professional practice.

We will continue the blog despite the threats, intimidation, loss of jobs for some colleagues. When you are born and bred in the land of the free, you do not allow someone with only recent access to it to destroy the legacy that is the essence of our culture. Some more colleagues will be crucified to sow division in our ranks but how many more acts of vengeance can be exacted before enough is enough?

The blog will continue across new and various platforms. We will be welcoming all readers from the wider community around us. All Stakeholders. There will be open surveys, links, tweets and articles on various websites. 

 We may be able to publish an article on TES soon. Update to follow. Moreover, for our overseas colleagues, 'International Schools Review' website is offering a great service to anyone thinking of working abroad. Please have a look at the website. It is of great benefit to prospective educational staff who are seeking employment overseas. If you are working overseas already, you may be interested in sharing your experience. Follow this link:

We are going big. Maybe not as big as his ego but certainly not as little as his decency or empathy for his fellow colleagues.