Our dear principal's wish has finally come true. When he announced it again to the whole staff that if they were not happy with how things are at the school they would have to leave, he did not expect that teachers would do just that. With the unprecedented number of teachers leaving, the school's reputation is now in an accelerated descent. The critics and competitors of the school are watching with gleeful eyes. For them, every departure of an experienced teacher at WCC is a gain for them and their schools. At least three Heads of Departments have 'jumped ship' and joined one of the competitor schools in the same country. Others are contemplating joining them where they can be free from the tyranny of the current principal and his First Officer. Unleashing your wrath on teachers because they are suspected of being the authors of this blog and threatening them with police and disciplinary actions broke the camel's back. Teachers were left in fear and in a delica...
(The Desperate Case of a) Secret Teacher Blog